Returning to Work

Read on to see how we can work together to remain safe and healthy at work.
Your Health in Mind
Your health is our top priority as we prepare to return to our workplaces. Following guidance from global health experts, we’ve developed several resources including a care kit, training, processes and communications.
What We’ve Done
To ensure you return to a safe work environment, we’ve implemented the following:
- Cleaned and disinfected all workstations and accessible offices
- Cleaned and disinfected all common areas – including break and lunch areas, team rooms, entrances, locker rooms, restrooms and more
- Instituted daily and weekly cleaning protocols. Process coaches to utilize a daily checklist in manufacturing locations
- Established hand sanitizer stations in areas where soap and water are not nearby
- Implemented social distancing actions
- Developed training content in the form of a COVID-19 playbook, job aids, videos and single-point lessons
- Designed measures to control the flow of people entering and exiting facilities
- Designed distancing measures in placement of workstations
- Designated work entrance, parking area, work area and restrooms established
Self-Certify Survey
If you have symptoms, do not come to work. All employees will complete a COVID-19 Daily Survey and use the survey confirmation to gain entry into Ford facilities.
Temperature Scanning
Upon entering the building, all employees will receive a non-contact temperature scan. If your temperature scan is above normal, you will be asked to return home and follow provided instructions before returning to work.
Social Distancing
Workstations and office areas continue to be evaluated to ensure six feet of social distancing.
Personal Protective Equipment
Face Masks
Everyone is required to wear a Ford-provided face mask in- and outside of buildings at all times.
Face Shields
In some instances, face shields may be required to supplement social distancing.
Closure of Common Areas
Small meeting rooms, on-site fitness centers and physiotherapy areas are closed until further notice. Other common areas may be closed on a building-by-building basis.
Regular handwashing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of germs. CDC recommends washing hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds.
In high traffic areas where employees will not have access to soap and water, hand sanitizer stations have been added.
Breaks and Meals
Cafeterias are closed, but minimarts are open. Microwaves and appliances are available for use. Employees are required to clean microwave before and after each use.
Workstation and Office Cleaning
In manufacturing areas, workstations will be cleaned daily prior to each shift. A cleaning/disinfectant will be provided.
Those areas include:
- Shared office spaces
- Production areas
- Production team rooms
In office buildings, desks will be cleaned weekly provided they are free from clutter. Common areas will be cleaned daily.
Symptoms at Work
If you experience symptoms at work:
- Maintain a six-foot distance from others
- For severe symptoms, follow emergency medical process; otherwise, notify your supervisor or human resources
- Report to medical if available on-site. Go home, contact your healthcare provider
- Report confirmed cases on Coronavirus Reporting site
What You Can Do
To ensure the health and safety of all, we need to start working differently and we must work together. Make the commitment to:
- Read and understand all communications
- Self-certify your health daily
- Follow the processes and guidelines for social distancing
- Participate in cleaning and disinfecting your work areas
- Practice proper handwashing and sanitizing
- Cough and sneeze into tissues or your elbow
- Ask questions and focus on your health and the health of your co-workers
- If you experience any symptoms, stay home