Workplace Experience Extends Beyond Walls

When people think “workplace experience,” they usually picture indoor spaces like offices, factories, production facilities, etc. However, at Ford Land, we go further. We consider the total workplace experience – including the areas beyond our walls and ceilings that extend to the outside world surrounding our facilities. We think of it as being “nature positive,” meaning that we strive to not only halt, but reverse nature loss as we work to improve our human workspaces.
One great example is the commitment we’ve made to the city of Dearborn to replant two trees for every one we remove during the transformation of our central campus building. Doubling the tree canopy aligns with our overall sustainability design guidelines for the project. The goal is to make the campus more walkable, more beautiful, and more in harmony with nature and wildlife. For that same reason, we’re also incorporating native grasses and plants favored by local pollinators.
This is only the latest way we’re rethinking our place in the world at Ford Land. We recognize that the reduction of a commercial development’s carbon footprint should go beyond the facility itself and include its surrounding environment. Our goal is to do more than create workspaces that inspire teamwork and human well-being. They must also leave a more positive mark on the planet by being greener and more sustainable – in their daily operations, and in relation to the geographic location they call home.